Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Life On A Farm

Hello to  whoever is reading this.  I am a 9 year old girl that works on a field. I do a lot of stuff that no other kid would do. I pick fruits and veggies every single day. If i try to stop, they tell me to start all over. It hurts my back a lot and it makes my leg feel painful. I Also met a little 7 year old girl and we talk a lot. She says her life is really bad. Her parents don't care for her just like mine. They only care about me making their money and themselves. If I don't come home with money, they wipe me with their shoes. Sometimes we wonder what it's like going to school. We imagine all the books and math problems and lunch. We wonder sometimes about all the other kids out there that have a great life, if they ever think about us. They probably don't care 'cause we're poor. They should care even though most of them do. They should send us money and clothes and other stuff. I think that hope is going to come soon: ]!!!


Scorrea188 said...

This is a grrrreat post!!
I like it a lot. Its funny how they hit you with shoes Lol
j/p. But good job (:

MrSullivan said...

Creative post, indeed! It's true that these kids have pretty difficult lives and that we might be able to help them out - but often it's not their parents who don't care about them. The parents of child farm workers often have their kids work because they can't get by on their own poor wages. It seems like it's the people who own and operate the farms and people like us who buy the food who often care the least about these kids - but now that we know about their suffering, we should do something to help them out!