Monday, May 24, 2010

[1] Why do you think someone becomes addicted to gaming? I think people become addicted to gaming because it takes you on an adventure .
for example when people play xbox or ps3 they get harsh feelings when they lose. &&  they get madd sometimes and just give up playing!

 [5] ways to tell that your addicted to gaming.
 1. when you come straight home from school or what ever you quickly go to your room to play 
2. get on the game and forget about everything like family and eating. 
3. when you think/dream about playing the game all day long! 
4. when you don't even sleep you play all night and thats horrible too do. cuz yew neeed sleep:)  
5. And last but not least you will know if you addicted if you start yelling out of nowhere @ your game or xbox or ps3 !  therefore kids dont be addicted to gaming cuz 2 be honest it aint worth it ;]