Tuesday, March 23, 2010


1) Is bottled water cleaner and tastier than tap? Explain.   (ANSWER )     bottled water is not cleaner && tastier then tap water because it got a different taste to it !  Usually the bottled water come from the tap water , the labels and pictures don't mean anything:(  there just there to make people think they fresh !  But they really should pictures of bottles on the floor being recycled "]

2)  How is bottled water made?  Where does it go after you throw the bottle away?  ( ANSWER ) bottled water is made by these machines that cost a lot of money!    Then after that the bottles are ready then the boat comes with the water and then when the bottles are ready and all filled up, they get shipped off to the supermarket for selling! then when u buy thee water bottle and finish drinking it u throw it away. then after that the bottles either get burned by pollution or sent to this huge pile of more bottles.

3) What can you do help solve the bottled water problem!  ( ANSWER )    you can either stop, drinking bottled water, or fill up a bottle of tap water and drink that because its better!  :)    you can also join sponsors that represent saving water! :] that would be great for the environment ! && lots of people would bee happy :D 



Friday, March 5, 2010

piercinqqs :]

1.  What were the most interesting parts in this documentary?  Answer: well the most interesting parts I like was, when they showed the guy that had the to knifes in his nose. i thought that was weird and okward. 

2.  Name at least three reasons why people get pierces. well one reason is they think it looks cool, && they think it looks pretty, also they give themself a name like each piercinq represent somethinq about each person!        

3. Do different pierces say different things about people?  For example, does having your ears pierced say something different then having an eyebrow ring?  no, if u have your have your ears pierced it don't say much about u but if u get a piercing on your face it might say something like oh thats nice or why do that girl got that there. 

4.  Is there such a thing as too many pierces?  umm...  yea it can be when a person puts too much on their body or face. when they o that it really don't look that cool ! :]
