Wednesday, January 7, 2009


 Ok so one time, I had this weird dream that I was on top of the empire state building and I was going to climb down . I don't know why I was dreaming about that, it's just maybe because I was probably thinking I had super powers and I had the ability to most likely anything! I knew that it could never happen but It was fun to make believe in your dream and do anything! That's the thing about dreams, you can dream about anything you want! [Pretty c00l]  I don't dream everyday, I just dream sometimes about awsome things and not that awsome things!!! Some people don't always have dreams they have nightmares! I never had a nightmare! [never] I hate nightmare's they always try to scare you and stuff and make you all freaked out and sad. They also sometimes can make you cry! Anyway enough with the nightmare's 4 I have one [ NOT] So anyway dream's are ok nightmare's are bad!!!     





mmendoza2188 said...

i hope i never have this dream again!!!!

Scorrea188 said...

Lol i wanna climb the empire state buildinqq (: but but just imagine being up there....feeling the wind on your face and then fallinqq to the flooor and then you go SPLAAAT! And then thats it for you ): no more you Lol..... WOULDN'T THAT BE FUNNN!!!!! I really wanna try that now Lol well byeee